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Perma Blend Lip Pigments - SULTRY LIPS Collection

Eye Art Studio


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Sultry Lip Set by Perma Blend – Available in 15m bottles set only!

This set includes 7 bottles of the following colours:

  • Sweet Melissa – Natural medium pink lip, darker than Tres Pink.
  • Bazooka – Bright pink lip colour, used for lips.
  • Scandal – Cool medium pink pigment, used for lips. Lighter than Date Night.
  • Pillow Talk – Cool deep pink pigment, used for lips. Darker than Scandal.
  • Date Night – Cool pink/red pigment used for lips. Darker than Pillow Talk.
  • Mauve (Top Selling Colour) – This is a warm Mauve lip pigment. Darker than Wildflower
  • Free bottle of Thick Shading Solution – Solution to slightly thicken the pigment while still lessening the pigment load.



Category: #lippigments, #permablend, #pigments, #sets

Type: Unknown Type

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